Intentional Legacy
We have a formula.
In 2018, we did our first Cohen family session. Their three precious girls dipped their hands in the water.
In 2019, we recreated that image.
In 2021, we captured it again.
We also do a family photo.
And then each year we alternate, Dad with girls, Mom with girls. It was a mom year.
And then individuals of the three girls.
Every year we combine them into an accordion album to gift the grandparents, so they can enjoy them all on the go or displayed on a shelf.
What was cool, as we designed this year, is we continued to build upon what we’ve hung the previous three years. But did so with an intentionality regarding where we want to hang things next year, and the next. Avital has a vision, that she wants to continue to build every year “until they turn 18.” She loves being able to directly compare their growth and their journey. She is creating their legacy, she’s creating it now.
Behind the scenes, thanks to Avital!