Posts tagged marketing director

Chantal and I go back to the 90s, but our journeys spread soon afterwards. So I was floored to hear from her, in her new(ish) capacity as marketing director of WBL CPAs + Advisors! We chatted business, but made space on the call to hear all about where life has taken us each.

She had big photographic goals: not only showcasing who they are on their website for clients, but moreso, marketing to draw in more CPAs. Their firm showcases both established talent and new energy, both stability and fun. It was our goal to communicate both.

I was chatting about the breadth and goals of the project with my friend and mentor, Mark Hill. He encouraged me to hire on an assistant for the project, and connected me with Ken Schneiderman. Working with Ken was a dream. Sure, his celebrity resume will make your jaw drop, but moreso because the whole experience was so beautifully synergistic. Instead of operating with one brain and two hands, I suddenly had two brains and four hands, and the whole process felt like a symphony. I’m spoiled, now.

While individual portraits weren’t the focus of the day, there were a few people who needed updates.

WBL CPAs + Advisors

Ken Schneiderman

Thank you to Chantal for the great behind the scenes!!

Designed For Her Job

Rachel walked in the studio door a stranger, referred to me by the magnificently talented Faith Cohen. She was in town visiting her parents, but our time in this neighborhood had not overlapped, which is an absolute shame.

Because she is hilarious. Quick, witty, to the point, and tells it like it is with a clever twist. Over and over again, I found myself thinking, “Damn, she nailed it again,” in reference to the most basic observations.

Which I imagine really pays off in her work as a marketing director at an ai startup…

Check out the company she works for!, designed to help Nonprofit Fundraisers engage more effectively.