The Best of Each

“My sister and her family are visiting us and our parents from Argentina! Let’s have a photography session, so that we can each hang a piece of art of all of us together in our homes! But… with five grandchildren, how are you going to get everyone smiling??”

Honestly? I’m not.

But if you are going to admire a piece of art every day in your home, and pass it down, it should show every single person at their best. That’s why each piece is a carefully constructed custom art piece. Before, and after:

Can you count the changes? Comment below!

These were some of the sweetest kids. Sam’s smile pushed me over the edge. But you know the drill: out of routine, something chaotic and exciting and new, kids feel and show every moment of it. That’s why it’s my job to show the BEST of each precious human.

Soon, these will look like this on their walls!

(Unedited images in gallery designs)

(Unedited images in gallery designs)