Posts tagged art

Sara wanted a session commemorating her son’s upshern (3rd birthday). Originally, she had in mind that we do the session before the party, since they were dressing up anyway. Ultimately, she decided to separate the two, as she wanted a low pressure session where it would be the only thing on her mind.

We shot in their home, moving only a couple pieces of furniture and taking advantage of the lovely light in their space.

We reviewed the images together, then she chatted with her amazing interior designer (I need to get her name and link her here!!), and together, we created a vision, and I edited her images accordingly.

Left: our design, virtual on the wall, Right: the actual installation

It was tremendous fun creating images to fulfill our final vision.

EDIT! And then…

Sara reached out, craving one more image. She wanted a color shot, to gift her husband for his office:


*Edit at bottom

The final installment…

Alexandra was coy when she first called, requesting to learn about three sessions in a year. She finally came out with it, and stopped claiming it would be nice to capture different seasons: she wanted to capture her family as a threesome, through maternity, and then as a foursome. She wanted to tell the story of their growth.


May I present, the family of four:

Most fun, was creating their wall gallery!

We’ll be hanging them in their living room, over a new couch due to come. I can’t wait to see them up!

I have to say, this has been a really touching journey. It’s so beautiful to be a part of people’s growth, milestones, fears, and celebrations. This family has so much joy, so much humor, so much sass and spunk. Every part of the process with them has felt like a celebration. I’m so grateful. And I will try not to cry when I see this on their walls. Thank you for this opportunity.

The Matriarch's Reunion

There’s a common scam photographers get, someone asking them to capture a “reunion,” and then pay the other “vendors” for them…

But I knew this one was legitimate, because the call came directly from Ramah Darom, explaining that their retreat center was hosting a family reunion, and that family portraits had been requested. Eliana, who runs the retreat center, said that she was coming to me because she and the family wanted to gift finished artwork to the matriarch for her home, as they were gathering to celebrate her 80th birthday.

I wanted to capture the sun rising behind the family over the lake. The two hour drive in the dark up through the mountains was stunning nonetheless. They really do have the most fantastic venue, and as I trekked, I reminisced about my pivotal time working there.

Ramah had put together an outstanding itinerary for them, featuring truly quality together time. I arrived as they were finishing their breakfast buffet, and then went to fine-tune the location I had in mind.

It was muddy, and there were tire tracks… and I was thrilled that the family was good sports about it, because it was PERFECT.

I got to know the family a bit. They had ventured in from all over, including California and Israel. They were a vibrant group, whom while diverse, were cohesive under Elaine’s leadership. When she and I had our selection appointment, she took me through their journey as a family. One of discovery, adventure, and risks with a big payoff. She had a clear vision for her family, and this reunion felt for her like the culmination of all her goals and efforts. She has such deserved pride for all that the generations she created are achieving.

I can only dream of glowing the way Elaine does when I’m 80. To have such sharp and radiating memories, and tangible proof of a life that was worth living. May we all experience such joy.

The Next Generation of Dimples


When her daughter needed a yearbook headshot, she decided to crank it up a notch and turn it into a celebration. This way, she gets to submit something extra special and customized, AND start building a gallery home of her family at home.

Shira sparkles, just like her mom.

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The Annual Insanity

It was time! The annual family self-portrait. It was a disaster, as always. Without someone behind the camera, its a silly face free-for-all. I don't want to tell you how many images I had to splice together. But I will. Outtakes below.

We took the settee, one of the exciting new pieces of furniture I purchased for the studio, behind the house/studio. I love having tons of gorgeous, natural spots to draw from for photographic backdrops, all right here.

How did this image happen? I set up my camera on my tripod, tethered to my computer. My computer was set to fire 20 times 5 seconds apart, and we did three rounds. My light and diffuser were slightly right, triggered remotely by the camera/computer. Then, I took 4 different images and fused them together into this one.

4 different images?? That’s not normally necessary for a client session. But a client session has me behind the camera, coaching. When I’m in front of the camera, this happens…

I’m dying to see this on canvas. Next step for us is to pick our space, and use my software to see it virtually on the wall, to ensure we’re choosing the correct size. Can’t wait to show the finished product!


Melissa is an artist. Not by trade or practice, but creatively, in her mind. By trade and practice she’s a Maharat, a leader, and a guide. But she gets these incredible creative bursts, and I get to execute them! She saw my headshot, and wanted a twist for herself. My favorite messages are from her, saying “I just had this crazy idea for a photoshoot…” See one here.

Darker, more dramatic background? Or brighter? What do you think?

We wanted something rich, dramatic, but still as colorful and vibrant as Melissa! The only purple in the original image was in her headband, but I infused the color into our backdrop and her necklace to build cohesion.

Here’s the setup behind the scenes!


Adrienne and I continue to evolve together, both in friendship and artistically, through the years. We first bonded in middle school choir. Decades later, she’s making a living as in interior designer and muralist. And we keep hiring each other! Beginning with murals in my children’s old rooms, most recently she’s the artistic brain behind my photography studio (hire her!) And I’ve had the chance to create her maternity, newborn, and last year’s family picture. Which brings us to this year!

Mike, who tours with the band, Hinder, playing bass, endures Adrienne’s and my endless reminiscence year after year. He has such a softness with his girls.


I’m on to you Lucy. Every time someone new to the office needs a headshot, you send them my way. Are you the best? You are the best.

This time, Lucy told John to give me a call. He’s in my husband’s Realtor coaching program. Long time New Yorker’s, four years ago he and his wife called do-over. They loved Atlanta: the pace, the people. He craved a new chapter. So here he is, learning how to guide his clients, explain the market, and loving every moment of settling into Life Chapter Two.

Architect, Aesthete

I actually answered an unknown number. It wasn’t a car warranty, for once, but it was Michael Smith, who heard from Falynn that I was the person to call for headshots. A fellow Architect at OTJ Architects, he specializes in biomedical science facilities. But we clicked immediately over cowboy boots and wall art.

His home galleries are spectacular, but he’s one of the few who doesn’t need my process to arrange a spectacular array on his walls! There are definitely some perks to the field.

Happy Firsts!

“No pressure, but do you guys think we can finish the remodel on this studio in time for this sweet baby’s first birthday session?”

The construction team put the pedal to the metal, and we pulled it off in time for two firsts:

  1. My first session in the new studio!

  2. Solomon’s first birthday!

It felt like a true celebration of firsts when this amazing baby beamed his mega-watt smile at me. I was floored. “THIS is the kid I get in the studio today?? Can I be this lucky??” I told him he needed to save the grins for the session, nervous he’d wear himself out— it never happened. The smiles persisted: his, and so, of course, mine. He was a rockstar and an angel.

Speaking of new things worth celebrating, this family just moved into a new home! And this art will get to decorate the new walls! We’ve selected a 20x30 canvas to adorn their staircase.


But what’s probably most incredible about this story isn’t what’s new: it’s what’s old. When his mom reached out to me, she told me about the sentimental and expansive family galleries that bedecked their old home. Pictures of her brother and grandfather as babies that she wished to mirror (and we literally got three of the exact same poses!), and lots of images they had brought over from the “old country” that they had restored. This is EXACTLY why I do what I do!! The cheap print labs aren’t archival, and thus the art can’t be passed down. But I create heirloom pieces. So not only will baby Solomon join the family wall amongst generations of pictures, but he, too, can be passed down with them for generations to come.


We had designed his piece for their old home, but when they unexpectedly moved sooner than expected, we delayed installation until they were settled. What’s great about the size they selected, is that it looks perfect in the new stairway, too!

Test drive

A couple of nights ago, we tiptoed down to the almost completed studio. I wanted to test lens length in the space, so asked kids to stand in. Didn't have a single light set up, no backdrop: just my new space, natural light in the evening in the rain. This is the result. Back of camera, as unedited as it comes.

Mira and Matthew

Matthew and Mira were adorable, curled up on my couch, sipping sparkling apple from my own nuptial flutes, and poring over wedding materials with me. We chatted about how they met, the evolution of their relationship. They enjoyed each other so much. She told her mom that she knew nothing about what she wanted her wedding to be like, EXCEPT that she wanted Shayna Image to capture it. I’ve never been so flattered, and I wanted to blow them away.

Their wedding was March 1st.

The world shut down for Covid-19 March 13th.

We were scheduled to have our reveal party on the 22nd. We wanted so much to get together in person, enjoy celebrating and reliving the evening together, so we opted to postpone until we could view the images in person. But come August, we couldn’t take it any longer, and gathered with both sets of parents for a virtual viewing. The wait was agonizing!

They are both blessed with large, local families with abundant personalities. The energy that day communicated that this couple has a support system that runs deep. If you are a part of that support system, the family would love to share their complete online gallery with you: be in touch with them for instructions and password!

May the couple always feel encapsulated in the love of that day.

The Quaranteam Kids

The hardest times can be the most beautiful. We shut down with the world. It became apparent that every decision would be one of risk vs reward. A decision that we made, not without risk, has been richly rewarding beyond belief. We came to bond with our neighbors. We decided together to proceed as a bubble as cautiously as possible, and to socialize outdoors. These kids have come to see each other as family as much as friends.

Missing in action: Yaira, George, and Dovi. Special shout-out to Miriam Ahuva.

Outdoors is a hot bliss filled with squeals, swings, laughter, swinging, fighting, bleating sheep, zip lines, hiking through creek tunnels, scooters, felling trees and climbing them, too.


We all hope to go back to the world. To see missed friends, restore balance, and to actually go into each other’s homes. But this time is equally precious and scary.

Heal with Hanna

Hanna hears you. Life is full of struggles and transitions, and she invites you to breathe through it all with her. Check out her Yoga and Healing practice, with zoom offerings during this time, at ,, and

Her Moment

In the tumbling chaos, the confusion, the isolation, the anger…

A moment by stillness. Toes muddy and cool. Tranquility and exhalation.

I watch her grow into her gracefulness. She seems to have a wisdom about all of this that I desire. She beams still over inconsequential moments. She radiates contentment while I struggle.

Have you heard of the syndrome, “Photographer’s Child?” It’s murmured frequently in my profession. Because we love our built in test-subjects, and they too soon are “over it.” So I make a point to insist that they permit me to take our family portrait once a year, and try otherwise to leave them alone.

Ah-ha! Reverse psychology! Now, every time I have a client come, they beg me to take their picture, too.

So we tromped into the backyard. I had to coax her into the mud by the creek. Her dress originally was purple. Her shirt was a vibrant turquoise. My daughter asked if we could print it for her room. My son also wants a print of himself for his room, though he was satisfied with our last studio session:

Yes, Little Man is in his pajamas.


Elisheva bid on a session with me at an auction to support The Jewish Fertility Foundation some time ago. We got together for a socially distanced session at her home, in front of her favorite tree.

Among her favorite things, which include a passion for helping children, American Sign Language, and promoting exercise health, is snuggling her sweet children and puppy. The images that made her coo weren’t perfectly posed, but rather when there was a connection. She loved this image, but unfortunately, puppy Oreo’s face was hidden behind them. That’s why you hire a photographer who can photoshop! I can’t wait to see her face when she holds the finished mounted print.

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Best of the Situation

Remember this friend/client, who convinced me to do my version of a corona porchtrait for her?

It was a beautiful session. Perfect weather. She had great ideas in mind. And seeing her children again, even if many feet apart, was bliss.

That first picture? It’s actually a composite of three different images:

As I left, her amazing daughter asked, repetitiously, “When the sickness is over, can we come to your house? Can we come one day, when it’s over??”

I feel like this whole experience is a constant contrast of tender and heartbreaking. A craving and appreciation of connection.

Corona Woman

I am Corona Woman!

Hear me roar. Or cry. Or call out in gratitude. Or fear.

I wear all the hats and I want to cast them to the ground. Sometimes I do, and hide in the closet. Sometimes the hats stack nicely.

I am so proud of myself. And ashamed.

All these people are me.

I am Corona Woman. A self portrait dedicated to all those who are doing all the things all the time at the same time right now.

About the portrait: this is 6 separate images taken over the course of one morning in my dining room. I had one speedlight behind the camera and one bare-bulb strobe off right, both bouncing from the ceiling. I tethered my camera on a tripod to my computer, and set it to automatically take 15 shots of each story. I inched myself around the space so that I would have a variety of positions to assist with overlap. Then I spliced them together in Photoshop . I edited the now singular image with a heavy hand of dodge and burning to make it pop. Yes, my little one was actually fighting during the session (he rescinded his protest and requested to take part after he saw big sis was excited.) I desperately wanted to tidy, but didn’t permit myself to move a single item, so this is life during Covid-19 in all its glory.

Moments matter

These babies went on the wall today!


I casually met Tamar through our mutual friend, Faigy. I made note that she was on the “soon to be friend” list. I didn’t know that she had added me to her “I want her to make art” list. She contacted me after our meeting, and said that her family would be all together- not an entirely frequent occurrence- and it was an important and meaningful occasion. It was important to get them together and in good health.

Her sister was on board. Scroll through:

We also designed a gallery for her sister, Leila, and had it shipped directly to her in California:

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The home gallery above was designed using our unedited images. The three on the side are for elsewhere in her home. We also created a mini accordion album for them to gift! Each of these rows represent one side of the book that stretches and collapses.

May this beautiful family enjoy years of health and laughter.