Posts tagged flowers
Mira and Matthew

Matthew and Mira were adorable, curled up on my couch, sipping sparkling apple from my own nuptial flutes, and poring over wedding materials with me. We chatted about how they met, the evolution of their relationship. They enjoyed each other so much. She told her mom that she knew nothing about what she wanted her wedding to be like, EXCEPT that she wanted Shayna Image to capture it. I’ve never been so flattered, and I wanted to blow them away.

Their wedding was March 1st.

The world shut down for Covid-19 March 13th.

We were scheduled to have our reveal party on the 22nd. We wanted so much to get together in person, enjoy celebrating and reliving the evening together, so we opted to postpone until we could view the images in person. But come August, we couldn’t take it any longer, and gathered with both sets of parents for a virtual viewing. The wait was agonizing!

They are both blessed with large, local families with abundant personalities. The energy that day communicated that this couple has a support system that runs deep. If you are a part of that support system, the family would love to share their complete online gallery with you: be in touch with them for instructions and password!

May the couple always feel encapsulated in the love of that day.

The Quaranteam Kids

The hardest times can be the most beautiful. We shut down with the world. It became apparent that every decision would be one of risk vs reward. A decision that we made, not without risk, has been richly rewarding beyond belief. We came to bond with our neighbors. We decided together to proceed as a bubble as cautiously as possible, and to socialize outdoors. These kids have come to see each other as family as much as friends.

Missing in action: Yaira, George, and Dovi. Special shout-out to Miriam Ahuva.

Outdoors is a hot bliss filled with squeals, swings, laughter, swinging, fighting, bleating sheep, zip lines, hiking through creek tunnels, scooters, felling trees and climbing them, too.


We all hope to go back to the world. To see missed friends, restore balance, and to actually go into each other’s homes. But this time is equally precious and scary.

Adventures Beginning

We met during this shoot, and hit it off: so much so, that at her gallery design appointment, she invited me to travel with her to the other side of the world - and I accepted! I meet clients so that they can tell their story- in their home, and to future generations. Sometimes, I get to become a part of their story, and them, mine.

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A picture from our trip to Israel!!:

Israel-February 10, 2019.jpg

We might have had a little fun:
