Posts tagged health care
Ephraim Herber

Having Ephraim in the studio was fantastic: normally, I coach the client to laugh for me. I didn’t have to. He laughed, on his own, straight through it. This guy knows joy.

He’s been a licensed nursing home administrator for 7 years, and is moving into a role for CHE Behavioral Health Services. CHE is a multispecialty clinical group dedicated to increasing access to mental health services and reducing stigma around mental health conditions.
As Regional Manager of Operations, he is responsible for managing relationships within facilities and clients, as well as tracking the productivity and effectiveness of the providers.

Hanging with Ephraim just may improve your mental health, as well.

CHE Behavioral Health Services

World Saver

I like to have a sense of who a client is, and the type of work they do, when they come in for a headshot. Emily told me she was working with the top executives of many massive companies, and she needed to look sharp. But I couldn’t quite make heads or tales of what she did, until she was in my studio, filling me in, and blowing my mind.

Emily is changing the world.

She is working to create a space that enables face time between the major components of the heath industry. What if the city’s top leaders in government, philanthropy and healthcare were all in a room together on a consistent basis, communicating and collaborating freely, rather that maneuvering thoughts through a long and beurocratic pipeline? What if the brilliant minds developing the next wave of medications had a cubicle next to someone at the CDC, someone in the field of Health Equity, The American Cancer Society, and Johnson & Johnson?

Emily is the force making it happen. She is working to create a space to aid in communication between all the sectors in the healthcare field. Helping to make emergency response swifter, and tackling the problems before they exist.

We are rooting for you, Emily!