Michael was a referral of a referral of a referral. I’m grateful!
Sooo I thought he was an architect.
Because he forwarded two pages of instructions from his architecture firm, Array Architects, on requirements for our images: 6 shots, black background, dark suit, horizontal, waist up, 3 expressions (neutral, slight smile, smile) and two body positions for each (full on, turned slightly)
Obstacles: 1. Dark on dark is technically challenging. The goal is to create separation between the client/suit and the background. 2. I’m ace at getting relaxed smiles from my clients. Telling them not to smile? Not my forte.

Here’s how the shot was set up. Notice the light peeking over the top? That’s called a hair or rim light, and it creates the separation. You will also notice that we’re shooting on grey, not black, in a bright room. I set my camera settings to cut ambient light and darken the backdrop, so the only light at play was that which I deliberately introduced to the scene. I love shooting on grey- I can create anything I want with it!
I’m grateful that the firm was thrilled with the results! The kicker?
Michael is NOT an architect! He’s a Healthcare Strategy and Business Development Executive! He’s currently advising Array Architects in their current project with Northside Hospital. (Which is full circle, as they were one of the buildings I photographed behind the scenes as an artistic installation for a HVAC firm a long time ago.)
He explained the type of analysis he provides to heathcare centers (he gave a fascinating example of a hospital purchasing hospital beds, and the way he advises them that incorporates not only their current numbers and projected growth, but the trends of the industry, which is moving towards remote locations and away from, say, needing a massive amount of beds…)
So Michael is not an architect, working for an architecture firm, and blowing my mind.